Friday, 27 April 2012

Melancholy Reflection

Looking back as oft we do
I recall the times of youth 
Those times I shared with a few of you. 

Our school days at Milners' gates 
On rugby fields our opponents faced 
On the track, we had our stars 
In the classroom lots of farce 

We get together now and then 
Recall the tales of old and then 
We look around to hear that voice 
Of melancholy reflection. 

Our days were filled with sunbeams 
Our laughter filled the hall 
The school of bricks and mortar 
Were our building blocks
 Not simply walls 

Now looking back I recall him, 
I recall her, 
what he said 
What she did. 

Every instance relived 
Every smiling face imprinted 
On my heart forever more 
My friends of school 
and those of Before
 and those of after
 Still our song, our laughter. 

When I look into my own child's eyes I pray his path be filled like mine 
With awesome people both Far and near I've loved and cherished and still Hold dear.
Posted by Veronica Stewart at 14:53 1 comments 
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  1. Nix, while reading this, I was reminded of my school days. What's funny is that you and I probably recall many of the same things. Wonderful thought provoking poem. X

    1. Thx B, yes we probably do share many memories. We've certainly shared many a great time!
