buzz buzz, alarm 6:30 am
time to get up , shower, wash hair, brush teeth. dress
7:20 wake up my boy
get his clothes out, spur him on to get busy
7:30 hoover, pack dishwasher, wipe down surfaces gain, wash floors, use antibacterial wipes on tables and cooking/ food prep surfaces. Get breakfast for my child
8:00 ding dong welcome first child, chat to parent
say goodbye to parent and my son
8:20 prepare breakfast for child, chat with child ( try and have a quick cuppa)
8:40 hands and face washed
8:45 time for a quick play and a cuddle before
8:55 prepare child for lift to pre-school
9:00 meet and greet person who is giving the child a lift
9:05 wave goodbye
9:05 Two more children arrive,children welcomed , coats and shoes off
big welcome
9:15 music on time for music and movement
9:35 exhausted, time for a play with the posting game
9:45 time to wash hands
9:50 children in their chairs , put on bibs
9:55 prepare snacks for children
10:00 children eat and drink
10:20 play time and walking practise for the baby
10:35 encourage two year old who is pretend cooking whilst trying to help baby walk
10:55 small world play, pop up toys, more walking practise.
11: 00 2 nappies changed, change mats wiped in between, nappies disposed of hands cleaned
11:10 time to do puzzles and colours and number practise, continue walking practise
11:25 Now time to look for matching numbers or pictures
11:40 Story time
11:50 time to wash hands again, wipe surfaces with antibacterial again
12:00 prepare and serve food, help baby with eating ( maybe another cuppa?)
12:30 free play and baby has bottle. I do diaries
12:50 : change 2 nappies and get children's bags sorted, diaries packed, lunch bags sorted and dress children and put their shoes on
1:00 hand children over to parents and a quick chat before
1:01 child arrives back from pre-school. Hands washed drink and food prepared....
that is just half of an average day.I'm Do you want to hear the rest of my day???
I'll summarise
more play and cuddles
school run
home and prep snacks for children that were collected from school
arrange activities for all
do diary
get bags etc sorted
get children ready for collection
wipe down surfaces ( time permitting)
parents arrive, chat , one by one the leave .
sit down coffee
get my child some dinner, change for activity. I get ready as I assist at activity
leave at 6:25
do badges at activity help run group
arrive home 8:15
sit down...
make coffee, fill dishwasher and do Supermarket on line order.
Bed at around 11pm, tomorrow more of the same
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