Sunday, 10 June 2012

Beautiful Blogger Award- yay me!

Its always lovely when you find out that you have been nominated for a blogger award so I was thrilled yesterday to find out I had been nominated by the incredible Bernadette Davies for the 'Beautiful Blogger Award'. Check out her amazing blog here: an amazing blogger that will have you both in stitches with her humour and contemplative with her views on life in general.

Now, as part of the award, I have to tell you 7 things about myself and nominate 7 bloggers to share this award with. Here goes:

I'm the youngest of 6 children
I’m a Salvador Dali enthusiast
I’m drawn to both the macabre and fantastical
I believe in fairies
Black my favourite colour
I love children and that's my job!! Luckiest girl in the world

I am only allowed to nominate 7 bloggers, which is actually very difficult as I'm new to this myself, so havn't come across that many that I could recommend.

 However, here are my 7 chosen favourites:

Yearning for Wonderland by Anna Meade  An inspiration and fantastic writer
Morgue of Intrigue – by Cory Eadson. Winner of a recent flash fiction competition that had 88 entries and met him on twitter and is a top lad
There's always cracks – by Alycia Bezuidenhout.
Once Upon A  Time...there was an anthology - by Susi Holliday
My lived-in life - By Mike Manz - By Ms Bullish.

Thank you again Bernadette #yourock

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