Thursday, 30 December 2021

It’s worth a. Try

 Knocking on Fairie door Chapter 37

I quicken my step and head for the hostel, as I turn into the doors the stench in my nostrils fades.  Thank goodness for that. My tummy is so sensitive to the smell. 

The rest of the afternoon drags by, my mind is not on  after school activities at all, my only concern is to get back to the dormitory and retrieve my opalescent orb, to send the message about my discovery to Nanny and Mr Bowfinger. Tick tock tick tock.. 

At last!! The end of the afternoon activities, now just to wash up and head to the dining hall, have my dinner and get to the dormitory.

I am so anxious about the book of runes and needing to get the message home, I am concerned about what the Queen will say about my find. I can’t even begin to think what perils may befall me, if I’m made to retrieve the book from Mrs. Lawley’s office. Oh what dread... my stomach is in knots again.

Dinner was served, I ate, I can’t recall what I ate as I didn’t pay any heed. 

Great it’s time to go back to my dormitory, light is starting to fade, slowly. I bide my time, considering my next move.