Tuesday, 23 October 2012

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 27

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 27: I feel sick to the pit of my stomach. Just how can this possibly be happening to me? Looking up carefully through my eyelashes, head ...

Thursday, 18 October 2012

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26:   Before long it was suitcases on the bed, clothes strewn about in an orderly way of course, long lists to tick off. You guessed it, p...

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26:   Before long it was suitcases on the bed, clothes strewn about in an orderly way of course, long lists to tick off. You guessed it, p...

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26:   Before long it was suitcases on the bed, clothes strewn about in an orderly way of course, long lists to tick off. You guessed it, p...

Knocking on Faerie Door Part 26

Before long it was suitcases on the bed, clothes strewn about in an orderly way of course, long lists to tick off. You guessed it, packing for boarding school.

The list is long and boring, just knows this; it takes a good 2 hours to make sure I have everything, Nanny helps check and recheck. We cannot just pop back home if something is forgotten.

Feeling excited yet apprehensive on the morning of my departure, I bid Mother, Father, Nanny and Mr Bowfinger farewell. The train is full of young people struggling with their heavy bags. Parents waving on the platforms, some staff are standing back from the platform, some with teary eyes and heavy hearts too.

As the train leaves the station I settle into my seat after waving goodbye from the window.

Suddenly next to me appears my very good friend Bethany Beaulie, a beautiful girl with very fine features and green eyes that seemed a little too large for her face, but somehow made her even more beautiful. Beth had locks of hair that cascaded over her slim shoulders. Beth is not aware of her beauty, which makes her that more attractive.

“Good afternoon Winifred”

“Hello Beth, it’s lovely to see you again, did you have a good summer?”

“Yes thank you, Winnie”                            

At this stage I am hoping that Beth does not ask me what I’ve done this holiday, oh goodness, whatever am I going to tell everyone. They will all be exchanging tales of their most wonderful experiences when we are all together in the dormitory.  I can hardly say “I met faeries and have been tasked by their Queen to keep them alive.”

Whatever will they think? Whatever shall I say? Subconsciously I tap the velvet pouch that is tucked away under my winter coat. My heart is beating so loudly I’m sure Beth can hear it.

Beating her to the question I ask “What have you been doing this summer, anything interesting?”

Beth hardly misses a beat and goes on in rather too fine a detail about her holiday, telling me an almost day to day account (as if she’d been rehearsing her answer, in anticipation of the question)  of her very busy and exciting holiday.

Pleased at my keen interest on her doings over the holidays and keeping her chatter really animated, she drew in the other two students who joined us in our cabin. The newcomers to the cabin were also girls of similar age. The 1st girl introduced herself as Patricia Harvey, she was very well spoken and from Dorset. She is slender athletic built girl with dark curly hair and beautiful brown eyes that were framed by ample lashes. Her mouth is full and generous, and she is easy to smile. The second girl is perhaps a year younger and doesn’t seem quite comfortable in her own skin yet. She introduces herself as Vanessa Townsend, she is pleasant. Her feet are larger than you’d expect from someone with such a small frame and her clothes seem slightly odd on her. Her mousey hair is tied up high on her head and appears slightly greasy, she has a few spots on her face and her shoes on those somewhat large feet are unpolished. She has grey-blue eyes, which are mostly downcast, and a shy smile. There is something about her I muse to myself.

Before we know it, we have arrived at the station and are transported to the schools boarding house. There has been rumour of a change of house mistress and house master over the summer break. I wonder what they may be like. I mostly hope they are kinder than the former disciplinarians who held those positions.

As I step down from the carriage, lugging my very heavy suitcase behind me, I happen to glance up. My heart turns to lead and drops.

NO!!! It’s impossible… It can’t be??? Can it??

Monday, 8 October 2012

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 25

it's worth a try: Knocking on Faerie Door Part 25: As my mind whirls around and around, my attention is drawn to a sudden flicker near my feet. Slowly edging forward blinking my eyes for ...

Knocking on Faerie Door Part 25

As my mind whirls around and around, my attention is drawn to a sudden flicker near my feet. Slowly edging forward blinking my eyes for clarity, my senses alert. As I near the figure I recognise it as Butterpetal… my heart lifts ever so slightly. I make my wish. The jelly feeling takes hold and I’m faerie size again. My troubles are still as mountains ahead of me.

Butterpetal seems concerned too; oh no! This does not bode well for me. Whatever has gone wrong? Ever had that feeling of dread was over you? Well that’s exactly what it feels like now, as if the hands of the grim reaper was slowly creeping their death knell dance over my skin. 

Not saying a word, waiting for my cue from BP, I wait for the axe to fall. That sick feeling in my stomach rises to my throat.

“Are you feeling unwell?” BP asks her voice full of genuine concern, which eases my stomach a little.

“I’m very worried” I confess my mouth dry from panic

“You need to tell me everything, so that I can help you”

Help? BP is offering me help? Oh joy just what is needed in the current crises.

This time when I follow BP through the door at the base of the old Oak tree, all those first sights and memories flood back, but taking my time I absorb everything around me. The sounds and smells and sights are all mine in this moment. What sheer delight! The nursery seems quiet; I put it to the back of my mind. Then it dawns on me once all the opulent trimmings have been taken in; that the whole cave seems quieter.

BP seems on edge and very serious. My mind again starts playing tricks on me. Is it something I have or haven’t done that has caused BP to be so serious?

After hours of discussion and some brilliant nectar (gee I really like that drink) BP walks me back to the door; I give her a grateful hug and wave as I step over the threshold back into my own world. As I step through I mutter the spell and my size is back to normal.

With plans in my head and reasons for my commitment reinforced, I am happier and once again full of excitement for my mission.

I have but a few days left before I head back to boarding school. With a renewed zest for my mission and a plan in hand, I head back up the lush green lawn towards the house. Walking slowly my mind is sorting all the information that BP has given me into neat compartments. I will have a lot of really great bits of advice to fall back onto once I go back to boarding school. All my fears about how I will keep in touch with my dearest Nanny and Mr.Bowfinger, how my progress will be relayed back to BP and the Queen. Oooh the Queen… even thinking about her makes me straighten my posture, realising what I’ve done, causes me to smile at myself.

The stairs stretch out in front of me like a huge sugar mountain.

Ascending the stairs, my heart and mind are both at ease, the storm within is calmed.

Boarding School, I’m ready, here I come !!!